Archive for July, 2014

I don’t have a title for this…..

Posted in Alters, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, DID, Love, PTSD, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on July 6, 2014 by dankline2000

It seems as if I go from one end of the spectrum to the other. From feeling somewhat normal to feeling the same way I did when I began this blog. Can I not find a happy medium, a level place in between? I have come to understand that this is the nature of my “mental problems” that this is the way things are going to be, but yet somehow I cannot accept this. I find that my outlook towards things have changed, have skewed somewhat if you will. I have never expected many people to understand my problems with DID, but I will also not hide who I am, the problems I have or who I have become now. Accept me for who I am now or just turn and walk away. I find myself secluded, which I don’t want to be, I find myself withdrawn, which is not a good sign, I find myself angry and unable to cope with certain things that in the past I would have just let go. This is not a grand example but it is one that I am having a problem with. Lying, yes lying or in another sense hiding things from me. I have no secrets; if I did you would not be able to Google my name and find this blog. If you have to hide who you are talking to, hide things from me like social media, texts, etc… Then I cannot trust you, would you trust me if I were not truthful? No one would, I am very open about my issues and to be honest if others don’t like it, don’t try to understand, or just don’t want to understand then all I have to say is good luck and good bye.

I am tired of being angry; I am tired of being alone. I have tried and failed, only to keep trying. I know that part of it is me, but I cannot blame all of it on me, can I? No I cannot blame it all on me. I understand that this is a much different post than what I put out yesterday, but welcome to my world. I figure that I am destined to be alone.

With much gratitude and love,

Dan Kline

How God moves me…..

Posted in Uncategorized on July 5, 2014 by dankline2000

I believe that God allows me to better express my emotions with words than by speaking, I hope that those who follow me can see this in the last writing I have posted.

Dan Kline

Just for this day…..

Posted in Alters, Anger, Depression, DID, Fatherhood & Family, Friendship, Love, PTSD, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on July 5, 2014 by dankline2000

For today I ask just this, to be granted a semblance of peace of mind. To not allow the anger to show, but to let the anger dissipate and be gone from my body, my mind and my soul. To be able to live with myself just the"Today" way I am. To be aware of what it is that I am doing, not only to myself but others. To learn to trust others as I don’t trust but one person now and it isn’t me. To show others that I am fully capable of caring and of doing for others as they have done for me. To be given the chance to love again, to truly feel the love I have felt before.

I want to just be, I am not sure if i understand what that is but I am willing to learn. I want to be calm, open minded and aware. Not closed off, not separated, not in a state of seemingly suspended animation to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. I grow weary of this cycle and wish it to stop.

To take the things I have learned in my life and to pass them on, to show, not to teach for teaching is not something I am capable of doing. To pass on what limited knowledge I have to another, I would like that to be my son, but as he grows older he has to walk his own path, but I would like him to walk that path with some of the things I have shown him along the way. This last week my son worked with me, actually worked with me to achieve a goal set before me and if it were not for him I would not have achieved that goal. To say that I am proud of him is not enough; I have no words to express how pleased I am with him. To see him work at something, to work till his arms ached, his back hurt and he was sore all over. He didn’t quit, he complained very little, but he did not stop till the day’s work was completed, then went back again the very next day and did it all over again. And yet still wants to go with me on Monday to finish the job he helped to start. How to explain or even to express how I feel towards him is impossible. All I can do is show him how much I love him and keep showing him the things that I can.

My work completes me unlike anything I have ever felt before; it starts with an idea, then to a sketch of that idea, then to drawings and construction documents of that idea. Then it goes one step farther and the idea, sketch, construction documents become a reality. To be able to share that with others gives me more pleasure than one can believe. To make an idea a reality for others to see. If I could pass on one thing to my son it would be that, take your ideas and make them a reality for the whole world or even just one person to see. I would pass this along to all of you, life is short, and life is not fair, find something that makes you happy, if it is only the simplest of things grab a hold of it and make it a reality.


With much love and gratitude,

Dan Kline